
Agriculture Livestock

In cattle breeding, it is more important to ensure that animals are protected from heat rather than cold. Because the body temperature of cattle varies between 38.5°C and 39.1°C. In other words, they have higher body temperatures than humans. As such, animals start to experience heat stress when the ambient temperatures and humidity are above the required ambient temperatures and humidity. As a result, the profitability of businesses decreases in the summer months. Cattle start to experience heat stress when the ambient temperature starts to rise above 24-27 °C. As a result of this stress, high respiratory rate, high body temperature, sweating, decreased mobility, low roughage intake and weakening of the immune system, meat, milk and reproductive efficiency of animals decrease. At the same time, some diseases and disorders occur in animals. In order to prevent animals from experiencing heat stress, helicopter Ip fan systems are needed to cool and ventilate the environments where animals live in the absence or insufficiency of wind and to dry manure in barns with deep litter.

Especially in order to increase the meat and milk yield of animals and to prevent foot, nail and udder diseases caused by manure, Remair HVLS Type Helicopter Ceiling Fan; It is used significantly in the agriculture and livestock sector, in all ovine and bovine animal enterprises, in open and closed fattening farms.
